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Helping Kids Develop Executive Functioning with Alexis Reid Resilient Schools 38 Episode 38

Helping Kids Develop Executive Functioning with Alexis Reid Resilient Schools 38

· 52:44


  • Book - Wounded By Schools - great read.
  • Executive function skills - stories are related to other adults in their lives - a lot of invalidation around their experience of not being able to access what’s going on in schools. 
  • Story of what a student’s experience is. 
  • Kids who feel disconnected or not learning. 
  • Kids who feel like school is not for them. 
  • School wounds go back to different stages and levels of our lives. 
  • Schools should feel safe for kids. 
  • School is not designed for kids. 
  • Purpose of school design: How do we help kids do the things that society wants them to do?
  • We can’t aim for the middle
  • Executive Function - behaviors related to the cognitive skills related to help us get things done, especially efficiently. 
  • Executive function: Inhibition (pause and assess before reacting); working memory (take information, and do something with it); cognitive flexibility (shift sets, being flexible and adaptable) - not just about learning, but about living.
  • Then there are behaviors related to those things
  • Prioritize time (because we can’t manage time).
  • Invalidation - Often get mislabeled as behavioral skills or as “dumb” because they can’t do certain things in schools at the right time. 
  • What Schools think Learning Looks like vs. what is actually looks like
  • Montessori Education
  • Setting up parameters to allow for flexibility - firm goals, we can allow flexibility for how to get there. 
  • Learners have greater insight than I could ever imagine
  • Structure with flexibility 
  • More time to give pause
  • Is school really about task completion or about learning? 
  • Two things: set up a structure with flexibility and allow for student's voice. 
  • A sidenote about AI - highlight this episode with Viktor Karkar
  • Practicing through games. Here’s a fun game- Pedunkle.
  • Students have a hard time admitting when they can’t do something and they don’t know how to ask for help. 
  • Relationships
  • Todd Rose - Square Peg Book
  • What are the systems we set up in schools devaluing?
  • When we don’t set up for flexibility, we see kids shrink away. 
  • Never met a student who doesn’t want to do well. 
  • Connect with Alexis on Instagram or X or listen to her podcast here.

About Alexis Reid
Alexis Reid is an educational therapist and learning consultant who specializes in executive function (EF) coaching, social-emotional learning (SEL), teaching and development, as well as designing flexible and accessible learning and environments through Universal Design for Learning (UDL). 

We’re thrilled to be sponsored by IXL and MyFlexLearning

IXL’s comprehensive teaching and learning platform for math, language arts, science, and social studies is accelerating achievement in 95 of the top 100 U.S. school districts. Loved by teachers and backed by independent research from Johns Hopkins University, IXL can help you simplify and streamline technology, reliably meet Tier 1 standards, improve assessment performance, and more. Visit IXL.com/BE today to learn more about how IXL can elevate your school or district.

MyFlexLearning is the scheduling platform that helps middle and high schools meet the individual needs of all students. Create and manage time for flex blocks, WIN time, activity periods, RTI, counselor and teacher appointments and much more. And with a built-in accountability tool and reporting features, solve your challenges around getting kids where they need to be and understanding how flex time is spent. Make your flex time work for you. Visit myflexlearning.com/BE to learn more and receive $500 off the first year. 

Creators and Guests

Jethro Jones
Jethro Jones
Author of #SchoolX #how2be Co-Founder of @bepodcastNet, the best education podcasts out there.


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