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Model It, Live It, Let Them Experience It.  with James Moffett Resilient Schools 2 Episode 2

Model It, Live It, Let Them Experience It. with James Moffett Resilient Schools 2

· 31:22

James Moffett is a principal in Kansas and he loves kids.
  • Pretty empathetic
  • Relationships
  • Teri Barilla
  • Question things I did as an educator
  • If you were doing these things before the pandemic, you were as ready as you could be for the pandemic
  • If you wouldn’t accept it from your supervisor, don’t dish it out to your kids.
  • Accountability, structure, consequences, - all structured in love.
  • It’s such a mindset shift for educators because it’s not how school was for us.
  • Model it, live it, let them experience it.
  • How do we help schools see that kids are respected on day 1.
  • Teachers are structured beings
  • Each vs. every.
  • The Rabbit Effect
  • How to be a transformative principal? Rest and recover and put more focus on the relationships you have in your building.

We’re thrilled to be sponsored by IXL and MyFlexLearning

IXL’s comprehensive teaching and learning platform for math, language arts, science, and social studies is accelerating achievement in 95 of the top 100 U.S. school districts. Loved by teachers and backed by independent research from Johns Hopkins University, IXL can help you simplify and streamline technology, reliably meet Tier 1 standards, improve assessment performance, and more. Visit IXL.com/BE today to learn more about how IXL can elevate your school or district.

MyFlexLearning is the scheduling platform that helps middle and high schools meet the individual needs of all students. Create and manage time for flex blocks, WIN time, activity periods, RTI, counselor and teacher appointments and much more. And with a built-in accountability tool and reporting features, solve your challenges around getting kids where they need to be and understanding how flex time is spent. Make your flex time work for you. Visit myflexlearning.com/BE to learn more and receive $500 off the first year. 

Creators and Guests

Jethro Jones
Jethro Jones
Author of #SchoolX #how2be Co-Founder of @bepodcastNet, the best education podcasts out there.


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